Missional. Movemental.

There’s a latent, hidden seed of a great-commission movement within YOU.

…We’d like to see it shoot up. GCM catalyzes emerging voices and “think tank” groups for sparking movements of Jesus and His mission. We exist to spark a wildfire in YOU.


America and the world are changing at unprecedented rates. 21st century challenges are more complex than most denominations, networks, ministries, and churches have ever faced. The time is NOW to accelerate churches with missional-movement agility for a faster-moving world.


Window of big opportunity: Be a part of a select tribe.

In 2020, churches are facing significant challenges. Respond with a select tribe of leaders seeking to demonstrate the power of Jesus movement and be a part of shifting the tracks of church history.


Take a look. Then take action.

Ready to take a look beyond one-size-fits-all conferencing to futurize with missional values and practices more fine-tuned to your specific context? Feeling any angst as to status quo? Leap Year 2020 is the next step forward. Be among the first to connect with GCM.


“We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.”

— T.S. Eliot, 1942

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