GCM envisions a winning future thru a small window of BIG OPPORTUNITY!

Leap Year 2020 is the bridge to GCM.


Small window. Big opportunity.

Rapid change and seismic cultural shifts in 2020 provide a window of enormous opportunity for leaders of churches, ministries, networks, and denominations. A sense of urgency is needed for these leaders to respond to the significant challenges. Our response can be a “leap of faith” forged in the crucible of this Leap Year 2020.

Small window: Leap Year 2020.

The bridge to GCMovements begins with Leap Year 2020, a standalone one-year catalyst being designed to accelerate churches and their leadership into a basic posture that’s both missional and movemental. Leap Year 2020 will be an onramp for church and network leaders in brotherhood around Jesus and His mission, beginning in the summer of 2020.

More than ever, NOW is the time.

Now more than ever, “new wine” becomes “old wineskins” seemingly in a fraction of the time. This is having a dramatic impact on pastoral ministry and the leadership responsible for a generation of churches, networks and denominations. We can’t expect significantly different outcomes using outmoded understandings of church and culture . . .


Strive, Survive or Thrive.

. . . So, if churches are not prepared for what is happening today, how will they respond to what lies ahead? The good news is that we can become the church as it was meant to be—a spreading Kingdom-impact movement. We need not settle for striving or merely surviving in this rapidly changing world. Churches can actually thrive as Jesus redirects His people.

Big opportunity: GCMovements.

If we are to thrive in these times, we will have to embrace cultural changes and see the possibilities in seismic shifts. Jesus is building His church and the gates of hell will not prevail. So, our big opportunity is to recover the New Testament ways of church-as-missional-movement. Our response to this challenge is an emerging think tank and voice: GCMovements.

20/20 vision: Leap Year 2020.

GCM’s vision, honoring Jesus and His mission, aspires for dynamic movements able to shift the tracks of church history from its current trajectory with new tracks of disciple-making, church planting and networking. A big opportunity is to be a part of a select brotherhood of leaders pioneering the needed course in Leap Year 2020.